Eurospec Automotion

Eurospec Automotion provides logbook servicing for Volkswagen, Audi, Skoda, plus most other makes and models.

Eurospec Automotion

Eurospec Automotion provides logbook servicing for Volkswagen, Audi, Skoda, plus most other makes and models.

Eurospec Automotion

Eurospec Automotion provides logbook servicing for Volkswagen, Audi, Skoda, plus most other makes and models.

Eurospec Automotion

Eurospec Automotion provides logbook servicing for Volkswagen, Audi, Skoda, plus most other makes and models.

Eurospec automotion

Eurospec Automotion provides logbook servicing for Volkswagen, Audi, Skoda, plus most other makes and models.

4 Maintenance Tips Shared By Best VW Car Service Providers in Perth

Your VW car is in a good condition as long as it is giving you a trouble free run. But when you see that a weird noise is coming while changing the gear, or the car is not giving a mileage as it is expected on pressing the accelerator, then it might be a trouble for you. To keep such menaces right away from your car, the best VW car service providers in Perth came up with few outstanding car maintenance tips.

Never leave the engines unattended
Maintaining your car engine is must. Never leave it unattended. If the engine turns rogue while you are on a long drive, it will cost you a lot. Check properly whether the oil filter, air filter and the fuel filter is in a proper condition or not. If they are not, try to repair it as soon as possible.
After three to four months, make a practice of taking your car to an authorized car repairing service provider to tune it up properly.

Keep a close watch upon the engine oil
Always make sure that you are changing the engine oil of your car after a long drive. On repeated use of the burnt oil, the speed and mileage factor of your car might be compromised. Always change the engine oils before and after a long drive.

Check the battery regularly
Car battery is another important factor that is very important for your car’s health. See the water level of it before you go on a drive. If you are planning for a long drive for 4 to five hours, at least make sure you are carrying cool distilled water with you, so that when the battery gets heated, you can change the water and replace it with the cool water.

Inspecting the emission system
Emission system of your car must be checked after a certain point of time. It is mandatory to inspect the emission system of your car for at least once a year. It reduces the smoke emitted from your car.

Don’t overlook the brakes
The brakes are the most important factor in a VW car. Most of the Audi Mechanic in Perth believe that maximum increase in the road accidents are prior to the faulty brakes. That is why it is always mandatory for you to get the brakes checked for once after an interval of specific time span. If you are planning to drive your car safely then a flawless brake is must for your vehicle.

Some Must Have Car Features Suggested by Audi Mechanics in Perth

While buying a new car, you must have look for some updated features. In order to be sure, read the blog below and know what professional Audi mechanics in Perth suggest about it. Some of them come along with the car and some need to be installed later.

Keyless remote entry:

Why should you try hard means when you have smooth alternatives? Yes, you are right, now closing the gate of a car becomes very easy. You don’t have to turn keys and pull the doors. Just press a button and the door would open automatically. Using remote to open car door ensures safety also. If you are in trouble, it would take much time to find the keys and open the door. As an added feature, it only opens the driver’s door, so, you don’t have to be bothered about any intruder.

Skid control system:

This system is very useful and easy to use also. It prevents skidding and also saves the vehicle from many other mishaps. It can do such wonders that you can’t even imagine. So, use it and be safe on roads.

Anti-lock breakers:

It may happens that you are driving at a high speed and suddenly an object or any other vehicle comes in front of you. As a general reaction, you would press brake and automatically your car would skid. It would result into fatal accidents also. Anti-lock breakers would stop your car but, in a smooth way. So, chances of accidents reduced. Most of the manufacturers install this feature at the time of making.

Daytime running lamp:

While running your car, you can overlook another vehicle coming from the other side of the road. Consequently, collision would happen. In order to avoid it, most of the countries make it mandatory for the car manufacturers.

Adjustable pedals:

Most of the new cars have adjustable pedals. So, if you are not that much tall, you don’t have to worry. Just use it and adjust your steering, pedals and seat. Being comfortable while driving is very necessary. It makes the driver feel very comfortable and he can concentrate on driving well say the expert Audi mechanics in Perth. 

Rear-seat DVD player:

It is useful for long trips. You won’t feel bore and the journey would be more enjoyable. Rear seat offers headphones and carrier where you can put ipads or tablets and enjoy movie. So, now you don’t have to worry about taking your children on a long tour.

GPS system:

GPS system uses Global Positioning Satellite System and sensor to navigate directions. It would help you with video and audio. If you need to find an ATM, hospital or any fuel refill centre, don’t ask anybody just try GPS. As an added benefit, it would make you aware about any traffic in front.

Lock system:

When you are not inside the car, you may be worried about the safety of it. If the case is so, install gear lock. In case, a burglar succeeds in entering your car, he can’t steal it. Another useful feature is, the central lock. Using a remote you can lock each single feature of the car. If anybody tries to steal it, flash light and sirens would be active.

Untold Tips for First Time Drivers by Expert Audi Mechanics in Perth

If you are going to take the charge of wheel for the very first time, you may feel overloaded with lots of knowledge and tips that your friends, relatives, neighbours and near and dear ones have given you. Yes, driving for the first time needs sheer attention and care. You must have the knowledge of different parts of the vehicle, you must carry a licence and most importantly you must have control over the steering. But, there are some factors that people who have not experienced driving before must know. Read the blog below and know what expert Audi mechanics in Perth say about it.

Adjust car features:

The most important thing is to feel comfortable when you are inside the car and driving it. If you are not at ease and if something is irritating you constantly, you can’t concentrate on driving. So, first of all adjust the height of the seat, set all the mirrors in such a way so that you can see through them. Don’t forget to remove any object or droplets of water from the windscreen, otherwise it may obstruct your vision.

Be calm:

While driving a car as an inexperienced, you have to keep in mind several aspects. There is a great chance that you would be confused and would feel helpless. As a result, mishap can take place anytime. The best way to avoid it is, to concentrate on driving. For an extra step of security, you should prefer the companion of an experienced and reliable driver. If possible, avoid any distraction like any talkative friend, music system and your cell phone.

Be on the familiar roads:

The most effective way to get rid of anxiety and prevent accidents is to stay on your familiar routs say the Audi mechanics in Perth. You know each and every corner of it and can sense any danger in advance. Most importantly, if you face any difficulty, it would be easy for you to ask for help.

Here’s Why People Prefer Audi Car Repair Service in Perth

Owning an Audi car is not a big deal these days for someone living in a costly place like Perth. It is one of the richest places in Australia where most of the people own costly cars like Audi. But most of them prefer Audi car repair in Perth for tuning their car. Here are some reasons for which they usually do so.


People always rely upon authentic Audi car tuning service provide for replacing any parts or for tuning a car because, whatever repair work or replacement work that the vehicle undergoes get entered in the car log book. In case if any problem arise then the owner of the car might claim a compensation from the Audi car owner. Often one cannot find such trustworthy car tuning service when a local car tuning partner is hired for upgrading a car. That is why people always prefer authorised Audi car repairing partner for tuning their vehicles. 

Free warranty service after buying 

After buying a first-hand brand new car, you always avail a free warranty service when you hire the authorised respective car partner for tuning your car. Such free warranty service is not available for you when you are hiring a local Audi car repairing partner to upgrade your car. It is the only reason why people always prefer an authorised car repairing partner for tuning your car. 

Easy to exchange an old for a new car 

When you are planning to exchange an old car in return of a new car, you can always expect a fair price for the new car you acquire. But when you are choosing a local car tuning partner for repairing your old car you might not get the same price for acquiring a new car.

These are some of the reasons for which people generally prefer authorised Audi or VW car repair service in Perth for tuning their vehicle. Because, only an authorised car tuning partner is able to provide right justification to a newly purchased or an acquired car.